Teachers and Teacher Aides in the Student Development Team work together cohesively to support the Literacy and Numeracy needs of our students. We aim to improve the educational outcomes for all students and strongly believe in creating an inclusive learning environment that promotes equity, excellence and successful learners. The Student Development Team utilises the latest research in neuroscience to facilitate the evidence-based intervention programs of MultiLit and Cogmed. The team works with a diversity of students that include:
Learning difficulties and disabilities, EALD, Gifted and Talented, Indigenous and Distance Education.
Support may be through collaboration with:
- Student development teachers and:
Class teachers, Guidance Officer, Administration, Parents and other Education Queensland and Community agencies. - Class Teachers:
Either in class or through small speciality groups external to the class delivered by a Student Development teacher or a Teacher Aide. - The Team:
To engage in specialised programs and classes dependent on student need.