Year 7, 8, 9 and 10
Science topics in junior secondary revolve around the four core areas; Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth and Space Science. Each year students will study each of these four core areas to gain an overall understanding of the Australian Curriculum and how these topics apply in the real world. Students are encouraged to develop their scientific inquiry skills as the plan, conduct and analyse experimental data.
Assessment items are constructed to allow students to engage in scientific inquiry process and allow students to demonstrate their understanding of Science. Alignment of assessment tasks to those used in Senior Sciences is developed over the course of these years in order to introduce students to the processes and formats required in Senior.
Year 11 and 12
The following general subjects are offered:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Psychology
These general subjects follow the QCAA syllabus and assessment requirements. Students begin Unit 3 (summative) at the end of year 11.
The following applied subject is offered:
This subject follows the QCAA syllabus and assessment requirements.
Students in Science have the opportunity to engage in Science competitions and camps facilitated by external providers, such as National Youth Science Forum, STEM Girl Power Camp, QUT STEM Workshops and other challenges.