Art is a powerful and pervasive means which students use to make images and
objects, communicating aesthetic meaning and understanding from informed
at Sandgate District SHS study a wide range of visual art styles throughout
their study in a highly interactive and practical program. Students make
artworks using a range of media and styles and develop understanding of
different art forms through responding to artworks.
Sandgate District SHS, students can elect to study Media Arts in Years 9 and
10, and then Media Arts in Practice (Applied) in Year 11 and 12.
at Sandgate District SHS study a wide range of media art styles throughout
their study in a highly interactive and practical program. Students make
artworks using a range of media and styles and develop understanding of
different art forms through responding to artworks.
arts involves creating representations of the world and telling stories through
communications technologies such as television, film, video, newspapers, radio,
video games, the internet and mobile media. Students engage in media arts
through industry standard software to design art works.